Saturday, April 22, 2006

Me and Mo(hair)

Mrs. Peeps purchased some lovely hand-dyed baby kid mohair by Fleece Artist yesterday at Lettuce Knit in order to make a Garter Stitch Jacket. Her intentions were to take some pictures of this lovely yarn. I had other ideas. Since she is going with Ms. Firefly Knit, Ms. Not an Artist, and Ms. Scarf Lady (a blogless Knutty Knitter) to the DKC Knitter's Frolic today, then I thought I should also get in the swing of things and have my own private yarn frolic. (Plus I thought it would greatly enhance her photographs, as I am in no doubt that you would agree.)

[Editorial note: hmmm, should that be Knitter's or Knitters' Frolic? Mrs. Peeps is currently reading Eats, Shoots and Leaves and clearly must re-read the section on the often misapplied apostrophe. Perhaps this is open to interpretation: only one knitter shall be frolicking (if so -- who will be that lucky knitter? Will there be a lottery?). If this is the case, Mrs. Peeps will be disappointed as she was imagining a gleeful, mass frolic. Although, a mass frolic with pointed sticks does seem like a bad plan...Perhaps it is a better idea if there is only one frolicker and they can -- and should -- be given wide berth...]


City Wiccan said...

OMG . . . I'm reading Eats, Shoots and Leaves too!!!! (where does the comma go in the book title?) Did you buy the new paperback version? I found it at BookCity!! I thought it should be good read as I am seeking a job as an editor.

Kelly said...

You little yarn hussy!

Leah said...

It should be Knitter's Frolic, a frolicbelonging to knitters.

Anonymous said... look so comfy. i wish i was on a comfy piece of mohair....