Monday, May 04, 2009

We all have our little quirks

Why, hello there! I know it has been some time since I posted on a regular basis. I do apologize. I just haven't had much to share -- or when I have had something to share, I haven't had the time to share it. A paradox indeed.


Well, in case you needed proof of life, here I am! In all my glory. As you can see I have gained a little weight, which everyone around here seems to be pretty happy about which is odd really because it's not the response I normally see when someone gains weight!

Despite gaining weight and looking as cute as ever, apparently my behaviour is a bit worrisome. I have developed quite a love of a corner of Mr Peep's studio - I often hide in the corner by the curtain, watch the wall for hours on end and burrow away under the table. I can't explain it, except to attribute it to the onset of spring!

Spring Behaviour

Speaking of spring, the fascination with the magnolia tree continues. On May 1st, the hearty blossoms withstood some strong winds...

Magnola Tree - May 1, 2009

And today, the magnolia blossoms are almost fully open. It's been interesting to watch the daily transformation of this tree. Can't wait until tomorrow!

Magnola Tree - May 4, 2009

Apparently, we all have our little quirks; I likes my corner, my Mrs Peeps likes her tree. To each her own.


Nana Sadie said...

You are looking fine, Ms. Koko!

Luciana P said...

What a lovely post, Koko. You look very cute. Keep on gaining weight.

The Blonde One said...

You are one mighty fine lookin' cat.