Monday, January 30, 2006


I have a new hobby and it is driving Mrs. Peeps insane: licking. Yes, licking. It has taken over sleeping as my main preoccupation. Whereas I used to sleep approximately 20 hours per day, lick 20 minutes, and spend the other 220 minutes doing very important things, like ranting at Mr. and Mrs. Peeps, the bird dance, meditating, eating and night patrol (and possibly a little plastic-chewing if I could find some), I now spend about 20 hours per day licking. You can see that the lack of sleep is taking it's toll: I am exhausted and it shows. Look how Mr. Peep has to hold my head up...

I normally start a lick war with myself when spring rolls around, and I think my body has been fooled into thinking it's spring because the weather here has been so warm and un-winter-like. Since it's neither spring nor winter, I will call this new season *Winterlickious*!

(A word to the wise: this is not to be confused with Winterlicious the Toronto restaurant food festival currently running. Check it out on the City of Toronto web site! Mrs. Peep and Ms. Firefly died and went to heaven at Canoe yesterday. Mrs. Peep and Ms. Blonde One will be checking out another fine establishment next week... Summerlicious is coming soon and it has their names all over it! This is one city event that is NOT lame. No dancing giraffes on stilts - sadly I missed that one this past summer, but Mrs. Peeps assures me I didn't miss anything.)


Anonymous said...

koko - may I recommend a good skin cream?

Kelly said...

Mental wellness is highly overrated, Koko!