Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Score, Redux!

You may remember the Talbots Game which I told you about in April. While we played it again this past weekend! Such a fun game.

Talbot's Haul

This haul's tally: 4 pants (1 jeans, 1 fancy, 2 casual); 2 long-sleeved sweaters; 1 fancy skirt; 2 casual tops; 2 fancy tops. Total cost at full price $1232. Total paid after all the sales: $264.77. That's 21.5% of the original price or a 78.5% sale! Whee.

Is it wrong that I get so excited by this? Oh, well. I don't intend to stop! I do loves a sale. A lot! (That's the former Winnipegger in me!)

All this for how much???

Koko is pretty surprised and excited by this haul.


After close inspection, she shows signs of her approval.


Anonymous said...

nicely done!

Nana Sadie said... go, girl!