Saturday, March 11, 2006

An Eve of Black 'n' Tan...

If you were wondering where I was yesterday, I did try to blog myself, but sadly I could not work the complicated machinations involved with the blogging process. Not for lack of trying, may I add.

I needed my trusty Mrs. Peeps (or not so trusty Mrs Peeps, as it happens) to do the actual work involved in blogging. And she had abandoned me for an evening of fun, merriment, KIP (knitting-in-public) and several Black 'n' Tans with a group of wanton knitting gals. Sadly for all my fans, she enjoyed herself greatly and has indicated she plans to abandon me regularly to partake of similar festivities. Mark my words, these ladies, and I use that term loosely, are going to be a very bad influence indeed.

She did discover, much to her chagrin, that knitting and beer only go so well together up until a point (no pun intended!), at which point she partook of an activity affectionately known as frogging by those in the know. All is well, however, and the wavy scarf is still intact with the appropriate amount of stitches and some net progress, even after an evening of courting disaster (with the beer and all).


Kelly said...

Koko, did you do a little drinking yourself last night? You look a little hung over there..

Anonymous said...

koko - mrs. peeps was knitting with others? how could this be? how could she do this to me? knit with others...IN PUBLIC..WITH BEER?!?!? koko, i am truly jealous.

City Wiccan said...

KIP . . . wow, in Toronto? Where? other than the knit cafe.

Yes, I suggest you try an evening of drinking yourself. My cats like stawberry milkshakes!

Not An Artist said...

Heh heh... my evil plans are coming to fruition!! Soon all drinking will be accompanied by knitting!